Analytical materials RES-POL: Cultural heritage sector
Cultural heritage is one of the 4 sectors of the RES-POL project — Rapid Expert Support for Culture and Media Policies in Ukraine. Olga Sahaidak, the key expert for the cultural heritage sector, together with experts from the subsectors, conducted an in-depth study of the cultural heritage sector in Ukraine and prepared analytical briefs on material issues in the subsectors and baseline report on the state of the sector.
Analytical Materials RES-POL: Arts and Culture Sector
Arts and culture sector is 1 of the 4 sectors of the RES-POL project — Rapid Expert Support for Culture and Media Policies in Ukraine. The key experts in the sector, Alona Karava, Olia Diatel, and Iryna Chuzhynova, explored the state of the culture and arts sector in Ukraine through focus groups and surveys within the art community. The materials they developed formed the basis for analytical briefs on material issues in sub-sectors and a baseline report on the state of the sector.
Analytical materials RES-POL: Cross-sectoral material issues of policy
Cross-sectoral material issues of policy — 5 out of 10 material issues of cultural development within the RES-POL project — Rapid Expert Support for Culture and Media Policies in Ukraine. The project’s experts conducted a series of in-depth interviews with industry representatives, surveys, focus groups, open and closed discussions, as well as sociological research to ensure the maximum involvement of stakeholders in preparing analytical materials.
RES-POL: Presentation of project products in the sectors: cultural heritage, culture and arts, creative industries
On December 20, a presentation of the RES-POL project products took place in Kyiv, during which the project's experts presented interim results in three sectors: cultural heritage, culture and arts, and creative industries. The event was organized and conducted by the RES-POL project experts in collaboration with the Coalition of Cultural Actors and representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine, with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation.
Дослідження відділів розвитку та конструкторських підрозділів виробничих компаній Івано-Франківської області (2024)
Analytics of companies in Ivano-Frankivsk that create new products or improve existing ones. The research outlines the main trends and challenges faced by local entrepreneurs on the path to innovation, as well as expert conclusions and recommendations for interventions. The materials were prepared by experts from the PPV Agency for the project "New Economy of Ivano-Frankivsk".
Recommendations for communities on simplifying the procedure for renting communal property of cultural institutions (2023)
The document contains recommendations for cultural institutions and local governments to simplify the procedure for leasing municipal property of cultural institutions.
Analytical studies of the markets of Ivano-Frankivsk region: New Economy of Ivano-Frankivsk’s project study (2023-2024)
Research and analytical materials of the Ivano-Frankivsk New Economy (NEF) project on business adaptation to war conditions, export of goods and services,innovation, development market mapping. All studies are an analysis of the situation on the markets of Ivano-Frankivsk region.
Development of the model for the Agency for Local Economic Development of the Kamianets-Podilskyi community (2023)
The PPV team, together with other experts, developed the business model of the Kamianets-Podilsk economic development agency, the roadmap for launching the agency, and strategic documents for industry directions
Adaptation of companies in Ivano-Frankivsk region to wartime challenges: analysis and examples (2023)
PPV experts analyzed the experience of companies operating in Ivano-Frankivsk region to understand how businesses of different sizes belonging to various industries have adapted their activities to new challenges.
Recommendations for libraries in decentralized and frontline communities. Results of ideathons
"Ideathons in libraries" is part of the project "Economic Restart: Support for Creative Entrepreneurship in Decentralized and Frontline Communities." The PPV team, along with recruited experts and project partners, organized ideathons in 5 libraries.
City of Rivne Cultural Strategy Development
The output strategy would serve as a guidance for the local community of cultural managers and stakeholders, aligning grassroots initiatives and undertakings of the local authorities. The strategy provides a menu of possible projects and initiatives for the cultural managers of Rivne.
Wartime SME Support Policies in Ukraine (February 2022)
Recommendations for rapid SME support programmes for international donor organizations.
Horodok Territorial Community Investment passport
Horodok Territorial Community Investment passport developed by the experts of the economic development agency PPV Knowledge Networks.
Pustomyty Territorial Community Investment passport
Lviv Design Market Study (2021)
Enterprise Education Formats (2021)
This catalogue is a compilation of the enterprise education Ukraine-UK partnerships active in the Creative Spark programme
The Circular Design Basics Guide (2021)
The Circular Design Basics Guide was developed as part of the Ukrainian-British Circular Design School project to disseminate knowledge about circular design among designers from Ukraine and the United Kingdom.
Methodical Materials about Finance in Creative Industries (2021)
Methodical materials of the curriculum "Creative Finance" emphasize the accessible communication of key concepts of the financial system in business in the field of creative economy, without undue detail and overload with material.
Local Economic Development In Local Communities (2021)
This guide is intended for representatives of local authorities, businesses and residents of local communities who want to create a favorable economic environment in their territory.
The strategy for the development of tourism and the pilgrimage ecosystem in Uman.
The strategy was developed during the implementation of the project "ReHERIT: Joint Responsibility for Shared Heritage." The project aims to reevaluate, revitalize, and develop the potential of the cultural heritage in Uman, Lviv, and other cities of Central and Western Ukraine.
Local Cultural Funds - Feasibility Assessment (2020)
Finance for Creative Industries (2020)
Payscious Survey Results
Lviv Culture Foundation
Concept and roadmap for Center for Carpathian Culture (2020)
During May 2020, PPV Knowledge Networks economic development agency studied the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine measures on Ukraine’s forestry sector companies. The forestry sector includes all industries that work with wood—timber harvesting, wood processing, furniture, fiber/chipboard, and pulp and paper industries. The study included a poll of forestry sector companies, a focus group with key stakeholders of the sector, an analysis of business support programs, and the development of recommendations. The survey was conducted by PPV Knowledge Networks with support by USAID Competitive Economy Program (CEP)
Studies of Financing of Culture at the Local Level in Ukraine and Abroad
Covid-19 Impact on Cultural and Creative Industries in Ukraine
State of Design Development in Ukraine (2019)
The project aims to create an effective monitoring tool for design development in Ukraine applied by policy makers, media and market players which can be replicated for research in other sectors of creative industries.
Product Design Market Study (2019)
Gender Equality and Empowerment in the Creative and Cultural Industries (2019)
This report is the first attempt to apply a gender lens (a focus on the gender-related aspects) to the cultural and creative industries in the Eastern Partnership countries. Taking into consideration that in this region the creative sector itself is still in the process of self- defining, a comprehensive analysis of the gender issues in these particular industries has been quite an ambitious goal.
Aarhus Sustainability Model Road Map (2019)
Lviv Design Market Study (2019)
Experience of Mining Regions Transformation: Recommendations for Donbas (2019)
Commissioned by the Ekodiya Centre of Environmental Initiatives, PPV Knowledge Networks has produced a study on mining regions’ experience with shift from dependancy on coal industry. We have looked at the European examples, both successful and unsuccessful, have gathered information on all national and regional programmes related to mine closure in Ukraine, as well as analyzed recommendations devised by the donor-funded projects. The report contains recommendations for Donbas regional and local authorities on reducing social and environmental impact from mine closure. PPV Knowledge Networks study has been incorporated into the final report of the Ekodiya project.
Business development tools of Lviv region (2019)
Studies of Forest-based and Energy Crops Biomass-for-Energy Use in Northern Oblasts of Ukraine (2018)
The Studies were conducted by PPV Knowledge Networks in February-August 2018. The key purpose of the market research was to explore the level of biomass-for-energy use in Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Kyiv and Chernihiv oblasts and discover the potential for deeper collaboration among market players of respective regions in Northern Ukraine and Southern Belarus.
Biomass for Energy
Turning Natural Potential Into Regional Partnerships
Graphic Designer Competencies (2019)
Impact Assessment of the Creative Enterprise Ukraine Programme (2018)
Commissioned by British Council Ukraine, the report contains assessment of the Creative Enterprise Ukraine programme (of 2015-2017 intakes) on creative business of the participants. The report is in Ukrainian only.
Christmas Markets Operational and Financial Models (2018)
Mariupol-based VEZHA non-governmental organization has commissioned PPV Knowledge Networks a study of Christmas markets’ organizational and financial models. The public version of the study (available only in Ukrainian) presents major findings of the study, incl. models and cases of Christmas markets in Lviv and Chernivtsi.
Business Models for Creative and Cultural Industries (2018)
Policy Paper on Ukrainian Cultural Fund (2018)
Policy paper on the institutional set-up of the Ukrainian Cultural Fund outlining proposals for programmes, projects selection criteria etc. In Ukrainian only.
Ukrainian Industrial Design Market Study (2017)
Considering potential of industrial design for the increase of value added by the Ukrainian SMEs, Lviv Business Support Centre (hosted by PPV Knowledge Networks) has conducted a study of the Ukrainian industrial design. The study was carried out in October - November 2017 and presented at the Creative Economy Days 2017. The study is based on survey of both design agencies and Ukrainian brands/producers. The study is available in Ukrainian only.
Bioenergy Market Study (2017)
Considering potential of the Ukrainian bioenergy market for SME development, Lviv Business Support Centre (hosted by PPV Knowledge Networks) has conducted a study of the bioenergy market in 9 Western Ukrainian oblasts. The study was carried out in October - November 2017 and presented at the Green Economy Days 2017. The study outlines available raw materials potential, bioenergy market value chain and lists current market participants. The study is available in Ukrainian only.
Financial Needs of Creative Economy Enterprises in Ukraine (2017)
This 2017 study looks at the financial literacy levels, business models viability and assesses various financial instruments available to the Ukrainian creative economy entrepreneurs and small businesses. It has been conducted among the applicants and participants of the 2016 and 2017 editions of Creative Enterprise Ukraine programme for creative entrepreneurs.
Investment Brief and Business Cases for Mykolaiv (2017)
Mykolaiv Development Agency (MDA) has commissioned PPV Knowledge Networks shipbuilding and marina development markets studies as well as development of three investment business cases (maritime equipment production, agro and food products processing and marina development).
Local Economic Development Toolkit (2016)
The publication is dedicated to the economic development strategy and includes 30 standard tools, each is illustrated with best international practices and case studies from the Ukrainian context. The manual is designed for professionals in the field of regional and local economic development, authorities, business support organisations. Developed in 2016, by the economic development agency PPV Knowledge Networks and supported by program of consultation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Comments and suggestions on strategic approaches to SME development in Ukraine (2016)
Comments and suggestions of PPV Knowledge Networks on strategic approaches to SME development in Ukraine provided design in the Strategy of small and medium enterprises for the period by 2020. The strategy developed by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine within the EU project FORBIZ. The draft of Strategy passes public discussion.
Roadmap for SME Development in Trostyanets community (Lviv region) (2016)
Program document that contains a set of measures whose implementation will improve the business environment for small and medium businesses in the Trostyanets community in Lviv region. Prepared by experts of the Regional Development Centre within the USAID Program "Leadership in economic governance."
Methodology of the Municipal Strategic Development Planning (2016)
Methodology of the municipal strategic development planning which had been prepared for the School of Mayors 2016 project.
Feasibility Study for Ash Use in the Road Construction in the Novyi Rozdil Industrial Park (2016)
The document has been developed within the project „Enterprise development through making investment areas of the Municipality of Lubaczów accessible and the recultivation of degraded areas of Yavoriv and Novyi Rozdil districts” that had been implemented within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013.
Toolkit for Entrepreneurs in the Wood Processing and Forestry Sectors (2016)
Toolkit for entrepreneurs in the wood processing and forestry sectors, which contains recommendations on the resource efficiency measures in the production.
Sociological Research on the Perception of the Mono-Functional Towns by the Local Residents (2016)
Research had been heln in 3 mono-functional towns in Ukraine within the EU-funded project “Community Involvement in the Urban Spatial Planning”
Invest in Lviv (2016)
Information booklet containing information about key objects and areas to invest in Ukraine as of 2016 developed in cooperation with the Investment Lviv City Council. Information booklet containing information about key objects and areas to invest in Ukraine as of 2016 developed in cooperation with the Investment Lviv City Council.
Novyi Rozdil Investment Guide (2015)
Informational material containing data on the economic potential of the region Rozdillya Lviv region and presents investment opportunities of the Novyi Rozdil Industrial Park.
Proposals for a National Strategy of Wood-Based Industry (2015)
Analytical document which had been prepared for the thematic working group within the national strategy for forestry sector development in 2015.
Proposals on the SME Support Mechanisms in Lviv Oblast (2015)
Policy document which contains proposals on SME support mechanisms in Lviv oblast. The document has been developed by experts of the Regional Development Centre within the USAID Program "Leadership in economic governance."
Proposals to the Competitiveness Strategy of the Lviv City (2015)
Analytical document that had been prepared for the Lviv oblast administration in 2015.
Proposals on Industrial Parks Support Mechanisms in Lviv Oblast (2015)
Policy document which contains proposals on industrial parks support mechanisms in Lviv oblast. The document has been developed within the project „Enterprise development through making investment areas of the Municipality of Lubaczów accessible and the recultivation of degraded areas of Yavoriv and Novyi Rozdil districts” that had been implemented within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013.
Strategic Analysis of the Recultivated Ares Development (2015)
Analysis of key markets and market players prepared to explore the establishment of a Novyi Rozdil Industrial Park. The document has been developed within the project „Enterprise development through making investment areas of the Municipality of Lubaczów accessible and the recultivation of degraded areas of Yavoriv and Novyi Rozdil districts” that had been implemented within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013.
Impact analysis of the Novyj Rozdil Industrial Park on the Bordering Areas (2015)
Impact analysis of the Novyi Rozdil Industrial Park on the bordering areas. The document has been developed within the project „Enterprise development through making investment areas of the Municipality of Lubaczów accessible and the recultivation of degraded areas of Yavoriv and Novyi Rozdil districts” that had been implemented within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013.
Map of Human Capital in the Rozdillia Region and Analysis of the Training Needs (2015)
Public–Private Partnership Benchmarking Analysis (2015)
Public–private partnership benchmarking analysis with the recommendations for Novyi Rozdil Industrial Park. The document has been developed within the project „Enterprise development through making investment areas of the Municipality of Lubaczów accessible and the recultivation of degraded areas of Yavoriv and Novyi Rozdil districts” that had been implemented within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013.
Ideas for Starting-up a Microbusiness in Ukraine (2015)
PPV Knowledge Networks analyzed main industries in 8 regions of Ukraine (Central and Eastern Ukraine). Based on statistical data and expert interviews in these regions we have identified 10 market niches suitable for starting a micro-business within the next 3-5 years. The project has resulted in a final report with the description of 10 market niches and 30 business models.
Urban Space Lab Project Methodology (2015)
Methodology of the EU-funded “Community Involvement in the Urban Spatial Planning” project, which contains cases and theoretical overview on the stakeholder engagement, active citizenship and effective communication in the urban spatial projects.
Creative Spaces Business-Models (2015)
Analytical report on the creative spaces business-models and its markets in Ukraine. The document had prepared for the meeting of Ukrainian creative spaces owners in 2015.
Cluster Support Mechanisms in Ukraine (2014)
Policy document which had been prepared for the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade within the Clustrat project. It contains proposals on cluster support mechanisms in Ukraine.
Non-Financial Impact Assessment: Matrix of Materiality (2014)
Joint project of the Ekonomika Communication Hub and CSR Ukraine Community aimed at assessment of the expectation gaps between the large business and its key stakeholders and defining the role of business in Ukrainian society. Analytical report provides the companies with the methodology of non-financial impact assessment by using the concept of materiality.
Business Models for Energy Efficiency Projects (2013)
Analytical report on business models for residential energy efficiency projects
Development of IT Industry in the City of Chernivtsi (2013)
Project was supported by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) in the long-term project “Promoting economic development and employment “, which aims to explore the economic potential of the region and stimulate economic development. The study included analysis of existing human capital for the industry in educational institutions of the city, interviews with key interested parties, student survey, IT specialties and a round table. The result of the study was the final analytical report containing practical recommendations on the next steps for the development of IT industry in the city of Chernivtsi.
Integral Reporting (2013)
Analytical report prepared by CSR Ukraine Community highlights the concept of integral reporting, provides with the fundamental principles of the IR, and explains the need in IR for the Ukrainian companies and Ukrainian CSR market.
Local Economic Development Agencies (2013)
The publication is one of the first in-depth publications regarding the local economic development institutions in the country. Published in Ukrainian, it provides a detailed analysis of the nature of the local economic development agencies (LEDAs) and their place in the current regional development system in Ukraine. An operational model is discussed in detail. The report includes examples of possible services that LEDAs can provide in Ukraine and of projects that have been implemented by LEDAs, both in Ukraine and abroad.
Regional Fund for Business Support (2012)
The concept was developed within the project "Improvement of the institutional capacity of the center of social entrepreneurship in Lviv region", that was implemented in 2012 by the International Renaissance Foundation. The document contains a mechanism of social enterprises support with the involvement of regional fund for business support, business development support programs of Lviv Oblast State Admnistration, large private companies pursuing a policy of corporate responsibility, credit and other financial institutions.
Regional Program of Innovation Development of Lviv Oblast (2012)
Policy document which contains the key proposals on innovations support mechanisms in Lviv oblast. It had been prepared for the Lvov oblast administration in 2012.
Dobrotvir Invest Pasport (2012)
The list of investment projects and a description of the business case for investment in Dobrotvir (Lvivska oblast) 2012. The document had been developed in cooperation with DTEK company and local council of Dobrotvir town.
Burshtyn Invest Passport (2012)
Description of the economic potential and investment business cases in the city of Burshtyn (Ivano-Frankivska oblast, 2012). The document had been developed in cooperation with DTEK company and local council of Burshtyn town.
Responsible Supply Chain Management (2011)
On request the UN Global Compact was prepared publication that aims to acquaint the Ukrainian business community, the academic community and other readers with the concept of responsible supply chain management (RSCM). The brochure contains of two parts: the first one describes the history and the origin of matter and concept; the second part is focusing attention on the main phases of practice RSCM.
Non-Financial Reporting: CSR Instruments (2010)
The review of the non-financial reporting in Ukraine was conducted in April-May 2010 by CSR Ukraine Community upon the initiative of the Global Compact network in Ukraine. The research, for the first time ever, classified and analyzed all social reports, CSR reports, reports on sustainable development, UN Global Compact communications on progress (CoP) published in Ukraine. The aim of the research was to contribute to the improvement of CSR reporting competencies in Ukraine and to make the process of non-financial reporting more relevant to the needs of the stakeholders. Thus, the results of this research informed the publication on non-financial reporting launched at the Network’s General Meeting in June 2010. The publication contains both detailed description of the CSR reporting process and analysis of the CSR reporting in Ukraine to date. The publication is written as a toolkit to be proactively used by companies in their CSR reporting process.
Analysis of National CSR Strategies (2010)
A document prepared for the development of the National Strategy for CSR, presents an analysis of national strategies in countries such as Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands, and also contains proposals for the the establishment of the National Strategy for CSR in Ukraine in 2011-2016. The document contains a detailed action plan with 5 aspects: information and promotion of CSR, building the capacity in the field of CSR, stimulating demand for CSR, consideration on CSR in regional development programs and international technical assistance.
Cluster Manager Competencies (2009)
Analytical report, which contains a brief description of competencies of managerial staff for clusters and cluster initiatives. Prepared as part of Clustrat project.
IT Industry Development in Chernivtsi
PPV Knowledge Networks carried out a research of the IT industry potential in Chernivtsi. The study included analysis of human capital for the industry in the local educational institutions, interviews with key stakeholders, surveys of IT industry and a final workshop where results of the study were discussed with key local stakeholders.
Industrial Park Manager Competencies (2014)
Analytical report which contains a brief description of managerial skills required for industrial parks management.
SCR Categories in Ukraine (2008)
Analytical report on the main areas of possible business activities in the field of corporate social responsibility in Ukraine.
Clustrat Final Report
Biomass Trade Centers
PPV Knowledge Networks conducted a study of a business case for biomass trade centers (BTC) in Lviv oblast (and other Ukrainian regions) to provide reliable supply of quality biofuels required on a local market. PPV Knowledge Networks is looking for commercial partners for setting up and managing a biomass trade center in Lviv oblast.
Coal Ash for Road Construction
In 2014-2015 PPV Knowledge Networks conducted a study of a business case for using coal ash use for road construction. PPV Knowledge Networks is interested in a commercial partner to extend coal ash products use in planning and construction of road infrastructure in Ukraine.