• Recommendations for communities on simplifying the procedure for renting communal property of cultural institutions (2023)

    The document contains recommendations for cultural institutions and local governments to simplify the procedure for leasing municipal property of cultural institutions.

  • Analytical studies of the markets of Ivano-Frankivsk region: New Economy of Ivano-Frankivsk’s project study (2023-2024)

    Research and analytical materials of the Ivano-Frankivsk New Economy (NEF) project on business adaptation to war conditions, export of goods and services,innovation, development market mapping. All studies are an analysis of the situation on the markets of Ivano-Frankivsk region.

  • Development of the model for the Agency for Local Economic Development of the Kamianets-Podilskyi community (2023)

    The PPV team, together with other experts, developed the business model of the Kamianets-Podilsk economic development agency, the roadmap for launching the agency, and strategic documents for industry directions

  • Economic Restart: Support for Creative Entrepreneurship in De-occupied and Frontline Communities

    Economic Restart is a project aimed at supporting creative entrepreneurship development in the de-occupied and frontline territories of the Chernihiv and Sumy regions. It is based on local libraries for creative entrepreneurs, youth, and the community.

  • Support to the Decentralisation Reform in Ukraine (U-LEAD with Europe II program)

    The project supports decentralization reform in Ukraine. The main task for our team in this project is to support municipalities to create the best conditions for doing business for business and investments even during the ongoing war.

  • City of Rivne Cultural Strategy Development

    The output strategy would serve as a guidance for the local community of cultural managers and stakeholders, aligning grassroots initiatives and undertakings of the local authorities. The strategy provides a menu of possible projects and initiatives for the cultural managers of Rivne.

  • Horodok Territorial Community Investment passport

    Horodok Territorial Community Investment passport developed by the experts of the economic development agency PPV Knowledge Networks.

  • Pustomyty Territorial Community Investment passport

  • Political Economy Analysis of Forestry Sector

    The analysis is expected to identify and evaluate potential approaches for the US funded project to assist in increasing competitiveness, sales, and investment in the forestry sector.

  • Investment Brief and Business Cases for Mykolaiv Development Agency

    PPV Knowledge Networks carried out a research of the investment potential in Mykolaiv. The project included data collection and market research, description of available investment assets, investment business cases development.

  • Mykolaiv Local Economic Development Agency Capacity Building, Development of Investment Materials

    Project aims to develop capacity of the Mykolaiv economic development agency by supporting the agency’s staff in developing Mykolaiv city operational strategy and investment promotion materials.

  • Community Involvement in Urban Spatial Planning (CIUSP)

    Community Involvement in Urban Spatial Planning (CIUSP) project is being implemented in 2013-2017 within the Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development programme funded by the European Commission. The project aims to facilitate joint efforts by the local communities, local authorities and local businesses in spatial planning in small (mostly mono-functional) towns. The project is being implemented in towns where DTEK company is present.

  • Support in Strategic Plans Development Within the School of Mayors

    PPV Knowledge Networks worked with the teams from 11 Ukrainian cities and towns who took part in the 2nd edition of the School of Mayors to develop strategic plans for their respective cities. Key development projects were identified and their concepts elaborated for each city.

  • Investment Briefs for Lviv, Novyi Rozdil, Dobrotvir and Burshtyn

    PPV Knowledge Networks were involved into data collection and analysis, description of available investment cases and assets for sale (land, real estate, etc.), investment business cases development, developing printed and online investment briefs in Ukrainian and in English for Lviv (2016), Novyi Rozdil (2015), Burshtyn and Dobrotvir (2012).

  • Novyi Rozdil Industrial Park Development (Stage 1)

    Since 2011 PPV Knowledge Networks involved in the the project of creating Novyi Rozdil Industrial park on the former sulfur production in the Lviv region under the project „Enterprise development through making investment areas of the Municipality of Lubaczów accessible and the recultivation of degraded areas of Yavoriv and Novyi Rozdil districts”. Duration - 2 years (2013-2015).

  • Business Support Centre in Dobropillia of Donetsk Oblast

    In 2015 PPV Knowledge Networks were commissioned by the Municipal Development Centre to develop a project brief for reconstructing an abandoned dormitory located in a centre of town of Dobropillia (a mining town in Eastern Ukraine). The idea was to adapt it for mixed use, both for local entrepreneurs as well as social housing and hotel.

  • Development of the Social Partnership Strategies Between the DTEK Company and Local Communities and Implementation of Economic Development Projects

    Commissioned by DTEK (Ukraine’s largest energy company), PPV Knowledge Networks facilitated development of the 3-year social partnership strategies between the company and territories where its assets are located, i.e. Dobrotvir (Lviv oblast), Burshtyn (Ivano-Frankivsk) and Ladyzhyn (Vinnytsia oblast). Over 30 local development projects concepts were designed, with most implemented in 2013-2015.

  • Dobropillya Centre for Municipal Development

    This local economic development agency was established in 2013 in Dobropillya (Donetsk oblast) within a social partnership programme between DTEK (energy company) and local communities. PPV Knowledge Networks were managing the Centre's set-up project and have partnered with the organisation in several joint projects.

  • Eastern Donbas Regional Development Agency

    In 2013 PPV Knowledge Networks established a local economic development agency in Rovenki (Luhansk Oblast) within a partnership programme with largest local employer DTEK (energy company). As Rovenki was occupied in 2014, the Agency moved its activities and its seat to Severodonetsk and was renamed as a Eastern Donbas Regional Development Agency.

  • Local Economic Development Agencies in Areas of DTEK Assets Locations

    Within social partnership prorgamme of DTEK, largest Ukrainian energy company, we were responsible for setting up 6 local development agencies in Dobrotvir (Lviv Oblast), Burshtyn (Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast), Ladyzhyn (Vinnytsia Oblast), Dobropillia (Donetsk Oblast), Sverdlovsk and Rovenki (Luhansk Oblast), - locations of DTEK energy plants and DTEK mines.

  • Ladyzhyn Local Economic Development Agency

    The institution was established by the PPV Knowledge Networks team in 2012 within the DTEK (energy company) Social Partnership Program. Since then, the agency has been managing various projects in Ladyzhyn (Vinnytsia oblast) with prime focus on SME development and local residents social engagement.

  • Burshtyn Economic Development Agency

    The institution was established by the PPV Knowledge Networks team in 2012 within the DTEK (energy company) Social Partnership Program. This local economic development agency was established by the Burshtyn City Council (Ivano-Frankivsk oblast) and local entrepreneurs.

  • Kamyanka-Buska Regional Development Agency

    In 2012 the PPV Knowledge Networks team lead the project to establish the Kamyanko-Buska Regional Development Agency in Dobrotvir of Lviv oblast. The project was funded through the DTEK (energy company) Social Partnership Programme.

  • Development of the CSR Projects for HarvEast Company

    Contracted by HarvEast (large Ukrainian agricultural holding) in 2012, PPV Knowledge Networks managed rural areas development programme in Donetsk oblast. Within the programme, a rural development agency was registered in Donetsk, microlending fund and community development funds operational concepts developed.

  • Novyi Rozdil Industrial Park Managing Company

    PPV Knowledge Networks is working with Novyi Rozdil Council on setting up a Novyi Rozdil Industrial Park on a brownfield site. PPV Knowledge Networks is interested in joint venture with a qualified partner to bid for Novyi Rozdil Industrial Park management company status.